How to Use time signature in a Sentence
time signature
That’s the time signature for at least the first half of this album: two rope turners and a jumper.
—New York Times, 25 July 2022
Our songs tend to be in time signatures other than 4/4 – like 6/8.
—Ed Masley, azcentral, 6 Sep. 2019
There are short lessons on time signature and melody and her favorite vocal warm-ups.
—Arika Herron, Indianapolis Star, 4 May 2020
The track heaves and stretches, its beat slipping through wild time signatures and then pausing for breath.
—Randall Roberts,, 25 May 2018
The time signatures and rhythms contort like snakes in a bag (though sticking to 7/4 for a lot of it provides a strange cohesion).
—Christopher R. Weingarten,, 1 Sep. 2019
Well, there’s lots of time signature parts that went into the writing of just me on an acoustic guitar.
—Annie Zaleski, SPIN, 20 Sep. 2022
According to the lawsuit -- which was filed Sept. 17 -- the two tracks have the same time signature and similar tempos.
—Kristin Robinson, Billboard, 21 Sep. 2021
Lage took his new music to Chicago, where Jeff Tweedy suggested tweaks — a chord alteration here, a change of time signature there.
—, 9 June 2021
The filmmakers reflected on how those musicians in the small mountain town of Barichara strummed guitars and the region’s 12-string tiple in a waltz time signature.
—Washington Post, 23 Nov. 2021
And each of the musical notes has a time signature associated with it.
—Sean Gallagher, Ars Technica, 29 Aug. 2019
Meanwhile, adding to the sense of crisis, albeit on a different time signature, Venice continues to sink as sea levels rise.
—Washington Post, 22 Apr. 2022
That means there have been three alterations to the category count in just five years, and, honestly, a 5/3 time signature doesn’t exist for a reason.
—Vulture, 16 June 2023
In one song, the ensemble began with a steady rhythm before splitting into two clashing time signatures at once.
—Kate Armanini,, 4 June 2023
Many bands mash up styles of music, types of instrumentation, or time signatures.
—Jamie Ludwig, Chicago Reader, 2 May 2018
Everything is off-balance, including the time signature, which is in 5/4.
—Nate Jones, Vulture, 11 Jan. 2021
In the throwback picture, which shows the couple at an HBO event, Rinna paired the chic garment with strappy black heels, simple silver earrings and her long-time signature haircut.
—Zizi Strater, Peoplemag, 16 Feb. 2023
Watts begins gently but instantly ramps up the intensity with a couple of snare cracks, shifting the time signature to lead up into the vocals.
—Jem Aswad, Variety, 24 Aug. 2021
Roeder decided to test Lage by abruptly altering the time signature in a standard to one from his native Peru.
—, 9 June 2021
Well, even nondrummers have to be in awe of his ability to turn percussion into a new dimension, with varied time signatures and tempos.
—Chuck Yarborough, cleveland, 12 Jan. 2020
Evans strung some serpentine riffs over the tune’s unconventional time signature.
—Dan Emerson, Twin Cities, 26 Dec. 2019
The tricky 5-4 time signature provided an exciting extra kick.
—Matthew J. Palm,, 28 Feb. 2021
Ulicny achieves this by harnessing a twangy guitar and buoyant percussion that manically switch time signatures at whiplash speed.
—Washington Post, 7 June 2019
Irwin said that the characters’ runaway emotions are mirrored by the wildly fluctuating time signatures.
—Mary Carole McCauley, Baltimore Sun, 25 Jan. 2024
To determine the creativity of songs, Berg used an algorithm to measure features such as key, tempo, time signature and danceability.
—Margaret Osborne, Smithsonian Magazine, 11 May 2022
By subjecting the space-time signature of every individual to spatial and social network analyses, Torrens can identify the sources of gridlock in both the crowd and the urban infrastructure.
—Discover Magazine, 29 June 2010
Yet Brubeck also was quite controversial at points, his experiments in unorthodox time signatures and cross-genre experiments drawing purists’ ire.
—Howard Reich,, 25 Nov. 2019
Unlike the traditional 3/4 time signature common to corridos, and the 4/4 time signature prevalent in American popular music, this piece required a creative fusion.
—Isabela Raygoza, Billboard, 2 Feb. 2024
The amalgamation of international styles influenced the group to experiment with unfamiliar sounds, unconventional pacing and uncommon time signatures for an upcoming album.
—Raj Tawney, Billboard, 13 Dec. 2019
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'time signature.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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